
"Scanner State 24 not Recognized" while trying XXE

즉흥 2022. 4. 6. 14:18

출처1 : https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/479


A potential XXE vulnerability found on rhino · Issue #479 · mozilla/rhino

Howdy, Just found a potential XXE vulnerability on rhino as show below, it seems function toXml didn't add any protection from XXE vulnerability when parsing XML document. https://github.com/mo...



출처2 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47169234/what-is-org-xml-sax-saxexception-scanner-state-24-not-recognized


What is org.xml.sax.SAXException: Scanner State 24 not Recognized?

I am getting the following Exception but unable to find any documentation specific to this exception: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Scanner State 24 not Recognized at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.


    <![CDATA[org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error in building: Scanner State 24 not Recognized : Scanner State 24 not Recognized ]]>


XXE 공격을 시도 중에 "Scanner State 24 not Recognized" 이런 메시지를 서버에서 응답하였다.


서버에서 xml 파싱할 때 XXE 공격에 대한 방어책으로 "!DOCTYPE"을 필터링하는 듯.


상세한 필터링 코드는 공개되지 않은 듯 하다(참조2).


결론. XXE 공격 시도하다가 "Scanner State 24 not Recognized" 메시지를 발견하면 후퇴하라
